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Logo Design

Brand Guidelines

App Icon 

Paradigm Campus Innovations is a technology company focussed on creating unique solutions for unresolved problems in the university setting. I worked with them to develop their brand and from that visual identity, create an icon for their first application Paradigm Park.


Platform Optimization

For the application icon I adapted the same curved shape and style of Paradigm's logo and combined it with a location tag to better express the purpose of the application. Along with this I simplified the colors and flattened the shape in order to work better with current icon trends. The last step of the process was slightly altering the design for Ios and Android so that each icon would fit well within those platforms. For the Ios icon I created a slight gradient on the background, and for the Android version I added shadows that fit with Google's Material Design Guidelines.

Android Icon
Android Icon.jpg
Ios Icon
Ios Icon.png
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